


Composed by Jay Horan

a risen domain.

The Compass has Spoken

The Compass has Seen

Empires Risen

Risen Been

Unerasable Grains

Broken Streams

Unbreakable Grains

Broken Schemes

And I shall say:

༺ Open Portals ༻

༺ Portals Beam ༻

༻ Iron Curtain ༺

༻ Reveal your Silence? ༺

Dossiers of Solace Tales discover unsensed and unseen worlds by Jay Horan
Dossiers of Solace Tales discover unsensed and unseen worlds by Jay Horan

Explore correlations of art, music and videography transformed into poetic potions in:

Dossiers of Solace Tales

Available in print and digital copy