Dossiers of Solace Tales


dossiers of solace tales poetic potions of the unsensed and unseen
dossiers of solace tales poetic potions of the unsensed and unseen


by Jay Horan

expedition wadi rum cave stay outdoor studio  expedition wadi rum cave stay outdoor studio

Expedition Journey: Cavern in Wadi Rum desert, Jordan

Correlations with Musical Compositions

Dossiers of Solace Tales is correlated with my musical compositions

in the musical projects: Portals of Ions Intermission Vol 1 and 2 and Vol. 3.

Discover Unsensed Worlds

dossiers of solace tales poetic potions of the unsensed and unseen
dossiers of solace tales poetic potions of the unsensed and unseen

Correlations with Short Subject Projects

Dossiers of Solace Tales are correlated with my film collections in

Constellation Stations and Portals Stations.

Dossier of Solace Tales is a leap into the correlations between my creative

practices in art, music, literature, and film. My Dossiers of Solace Tales

is an anthology of my poetic collections. Discover intangible artefacts

excavated from my travels and expeditions between the Far East,

Far West and the unseen, interweaved into literature.

Correlations with Handcraft Artwork

Dossiers of Solace Tales is correlated with my handcraft artwork in the Celestial Collection, Retro Collection, Diamond Collection and Mosiac Grains Collection.