flow of the moon cover for dossiers of solace talesflow of the moon cover for dossiers of solace tales



open portals

open ancient domains

༻ welcome to my website and art channels ༺

༻ a navigation ✧ and sensorial journal ✧ experience ༺

i create experiential projects applying traditional and contemporary methodologies and tools,

transforming scientific interpretations and expressions by enlivening art, music, literature and film. i journalise my

experiential projects and publish my arts-based research and investigations on my website, academic journals and conferences. i experiment

with creative mediums to process and reprocess emotions and interpretations from life experiences, dreams, artefacts, cultures, folklore,

heirlooms, symbols, the sciences and natural environments. intercepting patterns, enigmas and unsensed emotions are driven

by curiosity, inquiry and learning from travelling, expeditions, and unconventional discoveries. adventures and suspense

inspire me to demystify and communicate transdisciplinary fusions in research and creative practices between the

far east, the far west and the unseen. my freedom in creativity enables me to sense and experiment with

creative mediums by producing the interweaving means in creative projects. you are welcome to

navigate and explore my art channels and correlated creative collections under artefacts,

sounds, domains and literature in the menu above. enquiries on research activities,

collaborations, creative projects and performances are welcome.





✧✧domains stream✧✧

ancient portals beam











i sustain what i engrain

jay horan


